Va Taramarawa and Tavenisa Diri at the Huey Long (Ink Spots) Memorial Service at 414 Waimanu Road, Suva, Fiji Islands on Friday June sixteenth, 2009.
He is God, exalted is He, the Lord of loving-kindness and bounty!
Glory be unto Thee, Thou, O my God, the Lord Omnipotent. I testify to Thine Omnipotence and Thy might, Thy sovereignty and Thy loving-kindness, Thy grace and Thy power, the oneness of Thy being and the unity of Thine Essence, Thy sanctity and exaltation above the world of being and all that is therein.
O my God! Thou seest me detached from all save Thee, holding fast unto Thee and turning unto the ocean of Thy bounty, to the heaven of Thy favor, to the Daystar of Thy grace..read more Bahá’u’lláh
17 July, 2010
ReplyDeleteE sa qai mai kacivi na noqu itubutubu marama lomani ko Jiojiana Palu Raivoka (01/05/1935-17/07/2010) e na nona itikotiko e Visila Farm, mai Deuba e na yasana vaka turaga ko Serua. E veiqaravi tiko mai Haifa, e Isireli ko Eminoni Raivoka (Junior) ka veiqaravi tiko e Niu ko Tavenisa. Vinaka vaka levu na veiqaravi Nau. Mo ni kune Kalougata tikoga.